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Venus Topographic

Venus topographic example map 1 Venus topographic example map 2 Venus topographic example map 3
"The Magellan spacecraft was launched on May 4, 1989, arrived at Venus on August 10, 1990 and was inserted into a near-polar elliptical orbit with a periapsis altitude of 294 km at 9.5 deg. N. Radio contact with Magellan was lost on October 12, 1994. The primary objectives of the Magellan mission were to map the surface of Venus with a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and to determine the topographic relief of the planet. At the completion of radar mapping 98% of the surface was imaged at resolutions better than 100 m, and many areas were imaged multiple times."

NOTE: This is a 16-bit binary dataset so pick the version that matches your architecture. Most computers are big-endian (BE), with x86 and VAX being the notable little-endian (LE) exceptions.

Dataset  Res  Arch Size bz2 Size un
vtopo20 20' BE LE 0.6MB 1.1MB