Baltic States pat France and Benelux
Western Europe

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Maps: Demo Globe World Region Country State: US|CA|AU

Public domain maps of Western Europe:


238 countries (~45MB): cc_black.tar|zip

73 regions (~62MB): reg_blk.tar|zip
½-size (~28MB): reg_blk2.tar|zip

Free, public domain map of Western Europe
½-size above or full-size.
Free, public domain map of Western Europe
½-size above or full-size.

238 countries (~45MB): cc_blue.tar|zip

73 regions (~62MB): reg_blu.tar|tar
½-size (~28MB): reg_blu2.tar|zip

Countries: Regions:
France Map Belgium Map Netherlands Map
France Belgium Netherlands
Luxembourg Map Germany Map Switzerland Map
Luxembourg Germany Switzerland
Liechtenstein Map Austria Map United Kingdom Map
Liechtenstein Austria United Kingdom
Europe Map Northern Europe Map UK and Ireland Map
Europe Northern Europe UK and Ireland
France and Benelux Map Benelux Map Eastern Europe Map
France and Benelux Benelux Eastern Europe
Southern Europe Map Mediterranean Sea Map
Southern Europe Mediterranean Sea