Patent 1,156,739 · Backus's Locking Clamp · Page 1


1,156,739. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Oct. 12, 1915.
Application filed June 11, 1915. Serial No. 33,583.
To whom it may concern:
    Be it known that I, JOHN CLAYTON BACKUS, a citizen of the United States, residing at Smethport, in the county of McKean and State of Pennsylvania, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Locking-Clamps, of which the following is a specification.
    This invention relates to locks and chiefly to the type embodying pivoted jaws and a locking mechanism for holding them against spreading from either one of a plurality of positions, said locking mechanism being adapted to be released by the action of a key.
    The invention is designed more particularly as an improvement on the locking clamp for which letters patent of the United States were granted to L. C. Tingley, March 26, 1912, No. 1,021,343 and has for its object to improve, simplify and render more practical the lock mechanism and the case therefor forming elements of the jaws,whereby the parts may be stamped from sheet metal of proper gage and easily assembled, thereby producing a locking clamp which is light, strong, durable and effective for the purpose intended.
    With these and other objects in view, which will readily appear as the nature of the invention is better understood, the same consists in the improved construction and novel arrangement and combination of parts which will be hereinafter fully described and particularly claimed.
    In the accompanying drawings has been illustrated a simple and preferred form of the invention, it being, however, understood that no limitation is necessarily made to the precise structural details therein exhibited, but that changes, alterations and modifications within the scope of the invention as claimed may be resorted to when desired.
    Referring to the drawings,-- Figure 1 is a perspective view of the improved locking clamp; Fig. 2 is a detail perspective view of the device, the parts being separated and disposed in a group; Fig. 3 is a longitudinal section of the device in the plane of the jaws through the locking mechanism, the outer ends of the jaws being broken away; Fig. 4 is a section on the line 4--4 of Fig. 3 looking to the left; Fig. 5. is a section on the line 5--5 of Fig. 3 looking to the right, the toothed segments being in full lines;
Fig. 6 is a section similar to Fig. 3 showing the pivoted jaw released by the action of the key; Fig. 7 is a horizontal section on the line 7--7 of Fig. 6; Figs. 8, 9, 10 and 11 are detail views showing some of the uses and applications of the invention.
    Corresponding and like parts are referred to in the following description and indicated in all the views of the drawings by the same reference characters.
    The locking clamp comprises two jaws 1 and 2 which are pivotally connected at 3. The jaw 1 is relatively fixed whereas the jaw 2 is movable and will be designed hereinafter as the pivoted jaw. These jaws are preferably formed of sheet metal, such as steel of proper gage, being stamped and longitudinally ribbed and flanged to insure stiffness and rigidity. The extremities of the jaws are formed with matching teeth to form a suture so as to prevent the article clamped between the jaws from being drawn laterally out from between the lips thereof. The jaws are symmetrically curved in opposite directions so as to extend around a rod, or bar, or like such part, such as a robe or foot rail or the rim of a steering wheel, or other analogous part to which an article may be secured. The pivoted jaw 2 is formed with toothed segments 4 which extend in parallel relation and are apertured to receive the pin 3 by means of which the jaw 2 is pivotally connected to the jaw 1. The teeth formed upon the outer edges of the segments 4 are of the ratchet type to admit of the jaws closing by preventing the same from spreading by coöperation with the locking mechanism of which the ratchet teeth form a part. The jaw 1 is formed with parallel wings 5 between which are received the toothed segments 4, the latter lying close against the inner faces of the wings 5, thereby preventing any relative lateral play of the jaws. The wings 5 like the toothed segments 4 constitute parts of the respective jaws. The wings 5 and the adjacent end portion of the jaw 1 constitute parts of a case for housing the locking mechanism. The open side of the case is closed by the upper end of the jaw 2.
    A plate 6 closes the upper end of the case and the end adjacent the pivoted jaw 2 is bent to form a close joint therewith so as to prevent the locking mechanism from being tampered with. A plate 7 closes the lower end of the case and the end of such plate