Ian MackyGenealogy • Paternal Grandmother •
Mary MacLean Whitfield

7 Anne Bainbridge
b~1769, England
d.May 1854, PA
= ~1796, Stanhope, England
6 Adopted? Martha GALBRAITH
b.14 Apr 1800
b.21 Aug 1794
b.1806, England
David MacLEAN Hannah WATSON
b~1802, England
b.1799, England
= 23 Oct 1817 · Huntingdon County, PA = ? = ?
5 Agnes Jane MARKS
b.24 Oct 1835, Blairsville, PA
d.26 Dec 1907, Allegheny, PA
Thomas Davis STITT
b.18 Jun 1834, Allegheny City, PA
Mary MacLEAN
b.11 Apr 1836, PA
d.25 Jul 1910, Pittsburgh, PA
b.10 Aug 1832, PA
d.3 May 1912, Pittsburgh, PA
= 5 Sep 1854 · Blairsville, PA = ?
4 Leila Ada (Lidia, Aunt Doll) STITT
b.5 Aug 1872, Old Allegheny, PA
d.17 Jul 1961, Beaver, PA
Leila Ada Stitt
Rev. Homer David WHITFIELD, BD, AM, DD
b.16 Jul 1866, Pittsburgh, PA
d.26 Mar 1953, Beaver, PA
Homer David Whitfield

= 8 Jun 1898 · Edgewood Park, PA
Homer Harold
b.ca1901 — d.<1910
Elizabeth, PA
b.21 Dec 1903 — d.1995
Lawrence Kennedy WHITFIELD
b.19 Nov 1908 — d.9 Jan 2000
Mary MacLean WHITFIELD (Macky), spring 1923
Lawrence Kennedy Whitfield


Mary MacLean Macky, Spring 1923 Mary MacLean Macky newly graduated, ca1930 Mary MacLean Macky plays badminton, 1932 Mary MacLean Macky studio portrait, 1932 WAM and MMM engaged, June 1933, Nind Home, Singapore
Spring 1923 Newly graduated
Playing badminton
Studio Portrait
Engaged June 1933
Nind Home, Singapore

Wedding Day, 6 Sep 1933
Wallace Armstrong Macky and Mary MacLean Whitfield wedding day, 6 Sep 1933 Wallace Armstrong Macky and Mary MacLean Whitfield wedding day, 6 Sep 1933 WAM and MMM wedding day, 1933, with Geoff Greenbank and Mary Walla WAM and MMM wedding day, 1933, at City Road Chapel, London, Endland
w/Geoff Greenbank and Mary Walla City Road Chapel, London, Endland

Mary MacLean Macky near haystack, 1933 Mary MacLean Macky near Sphinx, 1933 Mary MacLean Macky riding a camel in Egypt, 1933
Near haystack
Egypt, 1933: By Sphinx, and Camelback by Pyramids
Mary MacLean Macky ca1940s WAM and MMM in the snow Mary MacLean Macky giving David Wallace Macky (3 mo) a bath
ca 1940s WAM and MMM in the snow Bathtime: MMM, DWM (3 mo)

Mary MacLean Macky and David Wallace Macky (4 mo), 1936 Mary MacLean Macky and David Wallace Macky (6 mo, wearing her spectacles), 1936 Mary MacLean Macky and David Wallace Macky (6 mo, in carriage), 1936 Wallace Armstrong Macky with Son David Wallace Macky on 1st Birthday, 1936
MMM & DWM (4 mo) · 1936 MMM & DWM (6 mo)
Wearing her spectacles · 1936
MMM & DWM (6 mo)
Carriage ride · 1936
MMM & WAM with DWM
1st birthday, 1936

David Wallace Macky 1st Birthday, Dec 1936, with Aunt Olive Macky and her three daughters David Wallace Macky 1st Birthday, Dec 1936, with Aunt Olive Macky and her three daughters David Wallace Macky 1st Birthday, Dec 1936, with Aunt Olive Macky and her three daughters
DWM's 1st birthday: MMM, MEM, Aunt Olive Macky & her 3 daughters · 1936

Peter Wallace Macky, Mary MacLean Macky, David Wallace Macky, Hobsonville Airbase, 1937 Peter Wallace Macky, Mary MacLean Macky, David Wallace Macky, Hobsonville Airbase, 1937
PWM, MMM, DWM · Hobsonville Airbase · 1937

Mary MacLean Macky, Peter Wallace Macky (6 mo), David Wallace Macky, 1938 Mary MacLean Macky, Peter Wallace Macky, David Wallace Macky, Marjorie Ethel Macky, 1938
MMM, PWM (6 mo), DWM · 1938 MMM, PWM (8 mo), DWM, MEM · 1938

Mary MacLean Macky holding Peter Wallace Macky, Marjorie Ethel Macky, David Wallace Macky in Auckland, NZ, leaving for USA, May 1939 Peter Wallace Macky (8 mo), Mary MacLean Macky and David Wallace Macky, Spring 1939
Auckland, NZ, leaving for USA
May 1939
PWM, MMM, DWM · Spring 1939

Cedar Christmas Tree, Merry Hill, St Georges, Bermuda, 1940
Cedar Christmas Tree
Merry Hill, St Georges
Bermuda · 1940

Merry Hill, St Georges, Bermuda. our first home Veranda of Merry Hill, St Georges, Bermuda, looking to Kindley Mary MacLean Macky, Marjorie Ethel Macky, David Wallace Macky, Peter Wallace Macky, Merry Hill, St Georges, Bermuda, 1941
First home: Merry Hill, St Georges, Bermuda Veranda, Merry Hill
Looking to Kindley

Peter Wallace Macky, Mary MacLean Macky and David Wallace Macky, July 1939 Barbara  & Dorothy Whitfield, Peter Wallace Macky, Mary MacLean Macky and David Wallace Macky, July 1939
PWM's second birthday · July 1939 · Merry Hill, St Georges, Bermuda
PWM, MMM, IWM Barbara & Dorothy Whitfield, PWM, MMM, DWM

David Wallace Macky, Mary MacLean Macky, Ian Wallace Macky, Peter Wallace Macky, April 1941 Wallace Armstrong Macky with Mary MacLean Macky on the family transport, an ABJ motorcycle
DWM, MMM, IWM, PWM · April 1941 WAM with MMM on ABJ motorcycle

Peter Wallace Macky, Ian Wallace Macky, Mary MacLean Macky, David Wallace Macky, 1941 Peter Wallace Macky, Ian Wallace Macky, Mary MacLean Macky, David Wallace Macky -- passport photo, 1941
PWM, IWM, MMM, DWM · 1941 (Passport Photo)

Wallace Armstrong Macky family at Woodbourne Avenue, 1947 Wallace Armstrong Macky family at Woodbourne Avenue, 1947 David Wallace Macky's 21st birthday with Peter Wallace Macky, Sylvia Bryant, Ian Wallace Macky, and Mary MacLean Macky
DWM's 12th birthday · 1947
DWM, WAM, IWM, MMM, PWM · Woodbourne Avenue PWM, Sylvia Bryant, IWM, MMM, DWM

Mary MacLean Macky with the boys at Niagara Falls, 1948 PWM, MMM, IWM, DWM and WAM, July 1949 MMM, IWM, DWM, PWM, March 1950
MMM, DWM, IWM, PWM · Niagara Falls, 1948 PWM, MMM, IWM, DWM, WAM · July 1949 MMM, IWM, DWM, PWM
March 1950

WAM, MMM, PWM, Bermuda, 1952 Mary MacLean Macky, Oct 1955 Wallace Armstrong Macky and family
WAM, MMM, PWM · Bermuda, 1952 Oct 1955 WAM, MMM and Family · 1956

Mary MacLean Macky, Peter Wallace Macky, Sylvia Bryant, Ian Wallace Macky, Wallace Armstrong Macky, MMM and WAM's 25th Anniversary, September 1958 Ian Wallace Macky, Mary MacLean Macky, Sylvia Bryant, Peter Wallace Macky, October 1958
MMM, PWM, Sylvia, IWM, WAM
MMM & WAM's 25th Anniversary
September, 1958
IWM, MMM, Sylvia, PWM · Oct, 1958

Ian Wallace Macky, Mary MacLean Macky, David Wallace Macky with Jet and Tanya Mary MacLean Macky, David Wallace Macky, Ian Wallace Macky at airport, PAA Clipper Andrew Jackson in background
IWM, MMM, DWM, Jet, Tanya MMM, DWM and IWM at airport
PAA Clipper Andrew Jackson in background

Mary MacLean Macky in back yard with budgie cage and clothes-line Mary MacLean Macky in back yard, 1968 David Wallace Macky, Kathleen Ann Macky, Brian Wallace Macky, Ian Geoffrey Macky, Mary MacLean Macky, Normal Heights, San Diego, ca 1970
In back yard with Budgies and clothes-line, 1968 DWM, KAM, BWM, IGM, MMM
Normal Heights, San Diego, ca 1970

Wallace Armstrong Macky with Mary, Peter, Cameron and Christopher WAM and MMM at the Rogers', Christmas 1981 WAM, MMM and GMM in Collie, 1981
WAM, MMM, PWM, CWM, CPM WAM and MMM at the Rogers'
Christmas 1981
WAM, MMM and GMM in Collie, 1981

WAM and MMM with the 3 Boys at Yosemite, 1983 Mary MacLean Macky and Wallace Armstrong Macky MMM and WAM at 82 Dell Road
WAM, MMM, & the 3 Boys
Yosemite, 1983
MMM and WAM MMM and WAM at 82 Dell Road

Mary MacLean Macky in choir
MMM in choir

Mary MacLean Macky at Sinnamon Mary MacLean Macky at Sinnamon, 88 yrs MMM and WAM birthday party
At Sinnamon At Sinnamon, 88yrs MMM and WAM at WAM's birthday party

Mary MacLean Macky, 90th birthday, Brisbane
MMM's 90th birthday · 1993

Rev. Dr. Homer David Whitfield with Lidia and children
Lidia, Mary, Lawrence, Rev. Dr. Homer David Whitfield
Lidia Whitfield and friends Lidia Whitfield and friends
Lidia Whitfield and friends
Whitfields Whitfields: Lidia (Aunt Doll), Lidia's sister, Homer, ?, Lawrence Kennedy, ? Barbara Whitfield at PWM's 2nd birthday, July 1939
Whitfields Whitfields: Lidia (Aunt Doll), Lidia's sister,
Homer, ?, Lawrence Kennedy, ?
Barbara Whitfield
PWM's 2nd birthday
Barbara Dean Whitfield, July 1981 MMM's brother Rev. Lawrence K. Whitfield Whitfields: Jonathan Lynn, George, Barbara, David Lynn, Kevin McGill, Benjamin McGill, Pamela Willover., Andrea Dean, Lawrence Kennedy, Dorothy Whitfield, Carol Lynn. Lawrence Whitfield and Esther Koch, Married 25 June 1988
Barbara Dean Whitfield
July 1981
MMM's Brother
Rev. Lawrence K. Whitfield
Whitfields: Back Row:
Jonathan Lynn, George, Barbara, David Lynn,
Kevin McGill holding Benjamin McGill,
Pamela Willover. Front Row: Andrea Dean, Lawrence Kennedy,
Dorothy Whitfield, Carol Lynn.
Lawrence Whitfield and Esther Koch
Married 25 June 1988
Barbara and Lawrence Whitfield, 1988 Lawrence Whitfield and Esther Koch Barabra Whitfield and Esther Koch
Barbara & Lawrence Whitfield Lawrence Whitfield & Esther Koch Barbara Whitfield & Esther Koch

Homer David Whitfield Obituary

Homer David Whitfield Obituary

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in Beaver Methodist Church. Beaver, for the Reverend Dr. Homer D. Whitfield, a Methodist minister in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania for half a century, who died at his home, 747 Corporation Street yesterday. Dr. Whitfield, who had been ill since 1948, retired 10 years ago. He began his career at the Mifflin Avenue Church, Wilkinsburg, as a graduate of Allegheny College and Drew Theological Seminary. Later on he served at Old Union Church, Northside; Homewood Avenue Church; as well as in churches at Beaver, Elizabeth, Sewickley, Crafton, Greensburg and Freeport. Dr. Whitfield was a native of Pittsburgh and a member of the Wilkinsburg Masonic Lodge and the Odd Fellows at Greensburg. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Leila Stitt Whitfield; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Macky of Bermuda; a son, the Reverend Lawrence K., of Millbrae, Cal.; four grandchildren. Friends are being received at Dr. Whitfield's residence. The body will be kept temporarily in the Beaver Cemetery vault until burial in Greensburg.