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The attached carport on the north side. Three footings for three 6x6 posts, on top of which sit the main 6x12 beams. Diagonal beams run from the corners and hang on a ledger bolted to the 6x6 posts already in the walls (which are carrying the roof beams). These Sonotube footings came out much nicer than the deck ones because I learned how to tap them with a hammer to pop bubbles. Makes a big difference.

Scene of the Crime Loverly Soil Re-Bar Pouring Mud
Scene of the Crime Loverly Soil Re-Bar Pouring Mud
Filled Footing First Hanger Epoxy'd Rebar Carport columns formed & poured
Filled Footing First Hanger Epoxy'd Rebar Formed & Poured
Closeup of first carport footing form First carport footing stripped First carport footing backfilled First carport footing top-dressed
First Footing Stripped Backfilled Top-dressed

Carport timbers are here. The 6×6 DF #1 posts are green so they go up right away. The gluelam beams are KD and not weather-proof, so they must be kept covered. They're pretty ugly gluelams, lots of wane (tried RMT instead of BC this time, oh well). The 4×12 hip beams are put aside since the 6×12 frame goes up first.

Scene of the Crime Scene of the Crime Scene of the Crime Marking posts with laser level
Timbers Arriving 4×12 Beams Sidelined 6×6 Posts Eased Laser Leveling
6×6 posts sanded and painted Preparing 33' beam
6×6 Posts Painted Preping 33' 6×12 Beam

Time passes. Winter is over, and it's construction season again. The perimiter frame of 6x12s is erected using a backhoe as a crane. Next comes the permanent bracing, then prepare the 4x12 hip beams, then get the backhoe out to raise them. That's the last of the structure, it's just rafters and roof after that.

Ready for Erection Long Beam Up Side Beams Up View from Back Yard
Ready for Erection Long Beam Up Side Beams Up View from Back Yard
Making Braces Installing Braces Permanent Bracing Hip Ledger Installed
Making Braces Installing Braces Permanent Bracing Hip Ledger Installed
Bringing Home Rafters Hip Beam Hangers Compound Angle Ends Dropped Bird's-mouth
Bringing Home Rafters Hip Beam Hangers Compound Angle Ends Dropped Bird's-mouth
Peaked Top Bolts Down Hip beams up! Front view of 3:12 roof
Peaked Top Bolts Down Hip beams up! Front view of 3:12 roof