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Maps: Demo Globe World Region Country State: US|CA|AU

These maps and the scripts that produced them are all public domain.

Click a thumb to see the full-size original, or on the image title to see its script.

Projection sampler Modified Stereographic projection of the 50 United States
Projection sampler Modified Stereographic projection of the 50 United States
Parameters from Snyder's "Working Manual".
Modified Stereographic projection set up for Alaska. Earthquake activity near New Zealand, 1980s
Modified Stereographic projection of Alaska
Parameters from Snyder's "Working Manual".
Earthquake activity near New Zealand, 1980s
Preliminary Determination of Epicenters dataset.
Planets to scale (with skins) Hill shading demonstration
Planets to scale (with skins) Hill shading demonstration
Global choropleth using WHO SARS data Exaggerated rising ocean levels
Global choropleth using WHO SARS data Exaggerated rising sea levels
Goode Homolosine demonstration Scale distortion patterns
Goode Homolosine demonstration Scale distortion patterns
Choropleth demonstration (US counties) Fill examples
Choropleth demonstration (US counties) Fill examples
California faults and earthquakes Classroom-style map of the 50 United States
California faults and earthquakes Classroom-style map of the 50 United States
United States choropleth example Globular projections sampler
United States choropleth example Globular projections sampler
Global choropleth using World Factbook Mollweide interrupted to best display oceans
Global choropleth using World Factbook Mollweide interrupted to best display oceans