28 Nov 2018 |
New map of the United Arab Emirates. UAE is harder since
there's been a lot of recent coastal development (the
Palm Islands etc),
so up-to-date public data is lacking. You'll see on this
map that the OSM data is more recent, leading to some roads
appearing to extend into the water. 2400×1760 (full-size)
GIF plus
and ⅛-size (the thumbnail shown).
Data used:
1 Oct 2018 |
Currently working on PAT v1.2 and a new set of public
domain maps. Here's the first country map: Andorra.
1800×2200 GIF (8-bit color) or
PNG (24-bit color),
and ⅛-size GIFs (the thumbnail shown).
Data used:
11 Jul 2015 |
| Several of the blue regional maps were produced wrong in the last
update (the black ones were OK); they've all been fixed now.
The code bug that caused it and the QA process that passed them
have also been fixed.
30 May 2015 |
| Enlarged and added transportation and cities to regional maps:
16 May 2015 |
| Regional map/data changes:
- Released WDB3 version 1.5 (with accumulated changes in support of regional maps)
- Changes to color scheme:
- Coastlines are now blue instead of black or white
- Reefs are now turquoise for contrast with blue coastlines
- Island labels are shades of yellow (to distinguish from country and city names)
- Enlarged and added transportation and cities to:
- Just enlarged:
- ...plus some minor corrections.
4 May 2015 |
| Updated Canada province/territory maps
using the new improved GMTOPO30
[Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010)]
in place of the old obsolete GTOPO30.
2 May 2015 |
More regional map changes:
- Enlarged and added transportation and cities to:
- ...and minor corrections to a few other maps.
11 Apr 2015 |
More regional map changes:
- Two new maps:
- Enlarged and added transportation and cities to:
- Just added transportation and cities:
21 Mar 2015 |
- Enlarged the following regional maps and added transportation
and cities:
5 Mar 2015 |
- Improved orthographic projection with rotation and flattening; now
the planets can be rendered properly as ellipsoids, so:
14 Feb 2015 |
- Updated two Australia state maps with higher-resolution DEMs:
...and remade the rest using the new improved GMTOPO30
instead of GTOPO30.
- Added four new regional maps:
- WDB3 v1.4 (changes needed for new regional maps)
- Web site changes:
3 Feb 2015 |
- Regional map changes:
- Added 8 new maps:
- Switched to constant-grayscale-value palette for better printed results.
- Switched DEMs from GTOPO30 to GMTED2010.
17 Jan 2015 |
- Added 10 new regional maps:
- In order to fit all the labels in for the more populated
hemispheres, I had to increase the map size to 2400²,
so the existing Southern Hemisphere
map was also enlarged.
- Started adding transportation network and cities to existing
regional maps. So far I've just updated:
- Updated WDB3 again with changes to support the above.
3 Jan 2015 |
| Two changes:
- Released WDB3 V1.2
- Updated regional maps again:
higher resolution DEMs, higher-contrast coastlines, various small changes.
26 Dec 2014 |
| Corrected region maps and added 3 new ones:
18 Oct 2014 |
| Updated US State Maps:
added railroads and revisited labels and shields.
3 Oct 2014 |
| Clickable world map
20 Sep 2014 |
| Finished more world maps:
Blue Marble (cloud-free surface
appearance), and false-color maps
using ETOPOv2 for color and hill shading. Three versions
are provided: single-piece Robinson, and two interrupted, one
to show land, the other sea. Here's an example of each:
16 Sep 2014 |
| Finished a basic political world map with colored contries.
The Robinson projection was chosen as best overall (for world maps).
There is one size only, 4200 × 2160. Options are the usual
black/blue color schemes, and country labels (none, ISO code, or full
name). Here is the blue map with full labels:
29 Aug 2014 |
| Finished a set basic world maps in many permutations
(public domain, as always). Four projections were chosen which best
kept the familiar shape of continents, worldwide:
- black or blue ocean
- all-white land or colored continents
- hill shading
- hydrology (lakes, rivers, salt pans)
- political boundaries (land/sea)
- graticule (over/under land)
Each map is made in three sizes
(links above are to the large size):
- small (540 pixels high)
- medium (2× or 1080 high)
- large (2× again or 2160 high)
Next: more world maps (colored countries, with and w/o labels),
blue marble, etc.
10 May 2014 |
| More country map corrections:
Still mostly working on WDB3 corrections in support of upcoming
world maps.
3 May 2014 |
- East-Timor (TP) changed to Timor-Leste (TL)
- Minor updates to country maps:
ae, ag, ao, ar, ba, be, bh, bj, bo, bs, bz, cc, cl, cr, do, eg,
et, fm, fo, gd, gf, gh, gi, gl, gq, gp, gs, gu, gy, hm, hu, ie,
ir, jm, jp, lv, my, na, nf, ng, om, pe, pf, pg, ph, pm, pw, sa,
sj, so, tg, tr, tt, and ws.
- Presenting working on world map series. After that, I will
be making animated GIFs of rotating planets.
9 Apr 2014 |
| Updated country maps
(PAT 1.2, currently in development, was used for these):
- 30% larger (by area), except for a few very small countries
which I don't have finer detail for; largest countries increased
50% or more.
- All land now hill shaded (not just primary country).
- Transportation network (roads and railroads) for all but the
smallest countries.
- New color scheme, gentler on the eyes and with consistent
grayscale levels for better printing.
4 Feb 2014 |
| Finished Australia state map series:
3 Feb 2014 |
| Next two maps in Australia state series:
31 Jan 2014 |
| First three maps in new Australia state series:
22 Jan 2014 |
| Finished Canada province/territory map series:
18 Jan 2014 |
| Next two Eastern Canada province maps:
15 Jan 2014 |
| First two Eastern Canada province maps:
7 Jan 2014 |
| Last two Western Canada province maps:
5 Jan 2014 |
| First two Western Canada province maps:
1 Jan 2014 |
| Started new Canadian province series. First, Northern Canada:
23 Dec 2013 |
| Finished United States state map series.
18 Dec 2013 |
| Final three Eastern United States state maps:
15 Dec 2013 |
| Next three Eastern United States state maps:
10 Dec 2013 |
| Next three Eastern United States state maps:
3 Dec 2013 |
| Next four Eastern United States state maps:
28 Nov 2013 |
| Next four Eastern United States state maps:
23 Nov 2013 |
| Next four Eastern United States state maps:
18 Nov 2013 |
| First three Eastern United States state maps:
16 Nov 2013 |
| Final two Central United States state maps:
14 Nov 2013 |
| Next five United States state maps (almost done with Central US):
7 Nov 2013 |
| Next six United States state maps (first in Central US):
25 Oct 2013 |
| Started new series of U.S. state maps, free/public domain like always.
I am releasing them in bunches, as they get done; first are the 11
Western states:
15 Oct 2013 |
| MWDB3 1.1 released; data now in both PAT text and original .PNT binary formats.
13 Oct 2013 |
| PAT 1.1 for
Un*x released.
27 Sep 2013 |
| PAT 1.1 for DOS
released. Minor corrections to a few
country and
region maps.
3 Jul 2013 |
| Version 1.1 is still in progress: working on the test suite and fixing
bugs. In the mean time, here's an improved version of the
projection sampler,
which is meant to be viewed
29 May 2013 |
| Coding of version 1.1 is done, but I am still
working on packaging and release.
All country maps
have been reworked with much more detail (including 3" SRTM topo),
and all 238 entities with an ISO country code are now mapped.
There are 46 new regional maps.
All maps are released into the public domain
(I am about the software, not the maps; the maps test the
software and ensure "fitness for a purpose").
20 June 2011 |
| Dataset lola16:
Lunar DEM at 1/16° resolution from the Lunar
Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) instrument onboard the Lunar
Reconaissance Orbiter (LRO).